
class util.bob.BuildEnvironment(env_root, libhint)

Bases: util.mixin.Base, util.mixin.Platform

BUILDENVIRONMENT Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here

BuildEnvironment(env_root, libhint)

root directory of build environment (i.e. package location)

dirs = 'struct()'
executable = '[]'
filename = "'tensorflow_m_'"

the name of the resulting MEX interface

lib = '[]'
pkg = '[]'
class util.bob.LibHandler(benv, hints)

Bases: util.mixin.Base

LIBHANDLER Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here

LibHandler(benv, hints)
libfile = '[]'
path = '[]'
searchpaths = '{}'
version = '[]'
class util.bob.OpGenerator(op_dir)

Bases: util.mixin.Base

OPGENERATOR Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here

id = "''"
op_dir = '[]'
signatures = '[]'