Installation details

Let’s assume you cloned the repository to your preferred location

git clone rootdir

where we will refer to the root directory as rootdir. If you have sufficient user rights to adapt the path, the setup script will automatically add the required paths to your MATLAB/Octave path. It will further automatically download the TensorFlow libraries and unpack them to rootdir/tensorflow/mex/third-party, unless it finds an already available library in a number of default locations, including the user’s downloads folder.


The setup checks the existence/value of some variables which you can set prior to running the function.

  • DEBUG: a boolean (logical) flag; produces debug output if set to true

  • LIBTENSORFLOW: a string (char array) hinting to the location of the TensorFlow library; if you have downloaded/built the shared library manually, set this variable to the root location (i.e. where LICENSE can be found) of the download

If you provide a path to a manually downloaded library folder, the libraries (even if not found in the hinted path) will not be automatically downloaded.

MEX function

The source of the C MEX interface is located in rootdir/tensorflow/mex/src, split into an interface, a utilities and an implementation file. Corresponding headers can be found in rootdir/tensorflow/mex/include. The setup script takes care of linking against required libraries and generates the resulting MEX function tensorflow_m_.* in rootdir/tensorflow/mex/build.


More than 1200 TensorFlow operations are automatically generated during the setup. The corresponding functions are placed in rootdir/tensorflow/+tensorflow/@Ops and available to the user as methods of tensorflow.Graph objects - tensorflow.Graph inherits the tensorflow.Ops class.